
What Women Want in Relationship – Love or Sex?

Ask any woman what men want in a relationship, the obvious answer would be sex. Well, everyone knows what the men want, but what the women really want in a relationship: love or sex? Genetically and behaviorally, both men and women are programmed by nature for different purposes. It’s even said that men are prepared to love so that they can get sex from women, and women are prepared to have sex so that they would get love from men. Nature wants the male species to spread its seed as wider as possible, thus men seem to desire sex all the time so that they could spread their seeds. However, since the female of the species has to beget a child and rear it as a consequence of the sexual intercourse, she cannot have sex as freely as the male species do. Hence, by nature, since the female of the species has to bear the child, women are genetically programmed to look out for men who can provide both protection and care during pregnancy and childbirth, and nurture her offspring thereafter. Therefore, the female has to be selective about choosing the best among the available male partners with quality seed and who could also protect her and the offspring from intruders. This is said to be the main reason why men want more sex and women want more admirers and protectors. This has made some to generalize that women are more interested in love and less interested in sex.

However, such statements often prove to be oversimplification of a complex issue that depends upon extremely personal interest of a particular individual. Even in the case of men, it’d be oversimplification to say that men always feel like having sex. Yet in the majority of the cases, while a man gets ready for sex even without any feeling of love or intimacy, most women say that they need to feel desired or get more intimacy in their relationship before they are prepared for sex. Even when women involve themselves in the sexual intercourse, they complain that they could not reach orgasm since they were unable to feel emotionally connected with their partners during the intercourse. Relationship experts often advise men not to rush for intercourse, and engage in a slow, gentle and relaxed foreplay until the women are sufficiently aroused.

It’s true that women are fundamentally different than the men in their priorities in the relationship. It’s also true that in most of the cases, women expect men to take initiative and court them before getting close to them emotionally and physically. Moreover, unlike men who would be happy to have a causal sexual encounter, women generally seem to prefer a long lasting relationship. Besides, given opportunity, women choose their mate who they consider can provide the best possible protection and security. Therefore, women certainly want their relationship to solidify through some sort of bonding such as marriage, marriage working as a sort of glue to make relationship last for a long time. Women even report that they engage in sexual activity with their partner even when they do not feel like doing it fearing that their partner might lose interest and respect for them if they do not comply to have sex. Still, it would be wrong to assume that women are less interested in sex.

A recent poll conducted by a popular Television Channel revealed that women want and think about sex more than they admit to. As women are becoming more open regarding their sexuality, the new findings are sure to demystify the conventional opinion about female sexuality. Certainly, like in men, sexual preference among women varies from individual to individual, yet it has been established that women enjoying a fulfilling sexual encounter at least twice a week are happier in average. A Woman may be shy to openly express her sexual desires like men due to cultural or other factors, but deep down women are just as horny as men. Similarly, a very high percentage of women masturbate and watch porn than that has been believed. Some argue that even the rape and molestation cases by women cannot officially come on record because men find it ‘unmanly’ to report that they were sexually harassed by the women. Thus, by nature, women seem to desire sex as much as men do.


Men Uncensored :: 8 Things Guys Notice About You Instantly

You know that look where his eyes slide past you...then turn back? Wouldn’t it be great to know what stopped him? You totally can. “There are a few things men instantly observe when they meet a woman,” says Jackie Black, PhD, author of Meeting Your Match. Learn what they are and you can maximize your, um, assets. Then you’ll have your pick.

1. How Thick Your Hair Is
This is all about evolution. Since caveman days, dudes have been drawn to lush locks, which signal that a woman is healthy (translation: shaggable).

2. If Your Smile Is GenuineSometimes your eyes crinkle a bit when you grin. Most men are good at distinguishing the vibe of this kind of smile, which says you’re relaxed and fun.

3. The Size of Your Group
You don’t want a big bunch (it’ll be hard for him to approach) or just one friend (he’ll figure you wouldn’t desert her to talk to him). The perfect crew size? Three. Your two buds can keep each other company when you slip away.

4. The Pitch of Your VoiceStudies show that men are drawn to voices in a slightly higher register (think Kristin Bell’s), probably because — yep, evolution — they’re reliable signs of youth and reproductive health.

5. Your Hip-to-Waist RatioYet again, blame eons of human history. Men instinctually look for baby mamas. If your waist is noticeably smaller than your hips, it signifies fertility — a huge point in your favor. A wide belt will emphasize that hourglass shape.

6. Your Glowiness
Guys associate a radiant complexion with good mental health. That’s because stress and anxiety usually cause breakouts and dull skin. So those lotions and bronzers you sweep over your cheeks? Totally worth it.

7. What’s Fake About You
Not personality-fake, but artificial-accoutrement- fake: lashes, hair extensions, etc. To guys, these things shout high-maintenance! Not good.

8. Your Eyes
People focus on eyes more than they do on any other body part. And dramatic eye makeup will have him zeroing in on your peepers even more.

Sources: Daniel Amen, MD, author of The Brain and Love; David Feinberg, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Behavior at McMaster University; Helen Fisher, PhD, Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers University and author of Why Her? Why Him?; Lisa Shield, dating coach in Los Angeles